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How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Free Holistic Self-Care Classes

Sponsored by The Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community

Held at Marbletown Community Center | 1st Thursday Monthly | 7-8:30pm

Within the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, healthcare takes body, mind, emotions, and spirit into account. As health issues are addressed, individuals play an active and responsible role in the healing process. To help community members learn how to help themselves, we offer a series of monthly classes in holistic self-care. Your body knows how to heal itself when given the proper support. Come and learn a variety of methods to support your own well-being.

Join us Thursday, March 1st for

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

with Marc Grossman

Marc Grossman, O.D., will teach how the eyes are intimately connected to our brains and bodies, to our attitudes and beliefs. How we see and react to life situations can affect our vision. Marc uses a full range of mind/body therapies combined with conventional approaches to address conditions such as nearsightedness, presbyopia (the over 40 syndrome), macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and more. Discover how your inner vision affects your outer vision and leave with an individual protocol for your own eye condition.

Dr. Marc Grossman has written the best-selling books Natural eye Care, Magic eye Beyond 3D and Improve Your Vision. For over 30 years Marc has helped people maintain healthy vision and even improve eyesight. A holistic eye doctor and author of five books on natural eye care, his philosophy provides the foundation for an integrated approach to vision and its influence on the body, mind, and spirit of each person.